archetypes 2.2-0 (2014-04-10)
- Added simplex plot with examples and reference.
- Updated weighted and robust archetypes reference.
archetypes 2.1-2 (2013-12-16)
- Moved vignette to 'vignettes' directory.
- Fixed R CMD --as-cran warnings/notes.
archetypes 2.1-1
- Fixed bug in movieplot2.
- Added extended simplex projection 'tspsimplex_projection' (based
on TSP) for archetypal maps.
archetypes 2.1-0 (2012-06-13)
- Roxygen2-ified; added the Build-dep field to the DESCRIPTION
- Added Author@R field to the DESCRIPTION file.
- Removed deprecated functions.
- Cleaned vignette 'archetypes.Rnw' and 'inst/doc' folder.
- Added predict function for 'original' archetypes.
- Added archetypal maps; based on code by Friedrich Leisch.
archetypes 2.0-2 (2010-08-24)
- Added analysis of the simulation study for robust archetypes
as demo.
archetypes 2.0-1 (2010-05-06)
- 'no.scalefn' returns an empty matrix if 'zs' is null.
- 'xyplot.weightedArchetypes' displays the main diagonal if
'weights' is a matrix.
- Technical report on robust and weighted archetypes is cited.
archetypes 2.0-0
- Cleaned up interface; see '?archetypes-deprecated' and
- Added weighted and robust archetypes; see 'demo(robust-toy)' and
- Added 'memento' environment to save internal states.
- Added panorama plot; see '?panorama.archetypes'
- Improved 'barplot.archetypes'.